Team Building

Create a work environment where all are aligned and inspired to succeed.

Team Building
Through one-day workshops, to full-week leadership training, we draw from our experience in education abroad and higher education to improve and inspire teams.


The Challenge
A large 15+ office at a large, public institution was experiencing growing pains. They had increased enrollment for the past 10 consecutive years, but struggled to retain their team members.  Upon arrival, the consulting services team asked all team members to draw the organizational chart of their office and describe the function of each team member.  This resulted in 15 different organizational charts.  Immediately, it was evident that the team was confused about the job duties of each colleague and the overall structure of the team.
The Solution
Along with the leadership team, the consulting services team focused on creating a team structure based on the 3×5 card activity. This involves describing why each person actually gets paid and determining what they should focus on in the office. We then identified any future positions that were necessary and which positions should be altered to create the ideal organizational chart. We then brought the team together and did a DiSC Workplace Style workshop to build rapport amongst each other.
Results & Outcomes
Six months later and everyone felt a sense of purpose on the team. They knew what they were responsible for and how their roles aligned with each other. Key people had fine-tuned their positions to be more in line with the ideas from the 3×5 exercise. The office was also in the process of hiring its first Director of Operations.

Thank you for spending your days with us and providing us a path and encouragement for re-alignment. This week will be one that we won’t forget in the history of our office!

Carolina R.
University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa

Contact Us

Let us know how we can help your Study Abroad office with team building, or whatever other challenges you face.

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