Parents, Guardians, Family, and Friends
If you have had the opportunity to travel or study abroad, we are sure you are very excited for your student to take part in this incredible experience. And, if you haven’t studied abroad yourself, you might have some questions and perhaps even some anxiety. No matter what your travel or study abroad experience, please know that we are here to help both your student and you.

Throughout this section you’ll find useful information that has been cultivated over the years in sending more than 26,000 students abroad. We’ve “been there, done that” and want to make sure that you not only feel comfortable but that you also understand the critical role that you can play in making this experience the most valuable it can be. Many staff here at CIS Abroad are parents; we know the investment and the trust that you are placing in us. Thank you for letting us be a part of your student’s journey!
Read more about how study abroad helps students increase interpersonal skills and competencies that modern employers crave.

Our webinars are designed to provide you with a more personalized opportunity to learn about CIS Abroad programming and have your questions answered before key decision-making deadlines.
See below for the webinars that we are offering in 2025 to anyone who is supporting a student looking to study abroad.
Welcome to CIS Abroad: A Guide for Parents and Guardians
We’re excited your student has decided to study or intern abroad with us this academic year. It’s the experience of a lifetime! We’ve been sending students abroad around the world for over twenty years. In this brief, live presentation, you will:
- Get to know our organization and what you can expect when you work with us
- Learn how study abroad can help to propel your student academically and professionally
- Understand the different stages and steps that your student will take as they get ready to study abroad
- Understand what we do to keep your participant safe and successful abroad
- Get excited about how you can be our partner in helping them have a meaningful experience
- Have your questions answered!
Kris Holloway, MPH, President and CEO
Joe Debiec, MA, Vice President of International Operations
Next Session
March 6, 2025
- Time: 11:30 - 12:30 PM
- All are welcome but there will be a special focus on summer and fall 2025 programs.
- Watch Here
CIS Abroad Parents and Guardians: Preparing to Travel
During this pre-departure webinar, we will cover:
- Program preparation (packing, budget, flights, and more)
- Communication while abroad
- Your role in your student’s journey
- Q&A
Joe Debiec, MA, Vice President of International Operations
Alexandra Woolner, Administrative Director
January & Spring 2025 Participants
Various sessions starting in October
These region-specific sessions are for parents and guardians of students that have applied for summer or fall 2024 programs. Please look for the invite via email.Looking for More Resources?
- Learn your Rights and Responsibilities as Parents
- Read our Health and Safety Tips for those sending their students abroad
Parent Testimonials
Here are a few thoughts from parents of our alumni that you might find helpful.
“My advice would be to support your son or daughter throughout the process of going abroad. Engage in the process as much as you can so you can learn as much information as you can about the company, the process, the country, the university or college abroad, and so on.”
“CIS Abroad is a very fast-paced well-organized program that certainly is worth the value. Amanda toured Ireland, spent time in Scotland, spent a few weeks in England and in Spain. Don’t be afraid to give your child wings to enjoy such a wonderful experience.”
“1. Be sure and pick a program where your student will be forced to make friends or interact with students from other colleges, programs, and countries. 2. Have a couple of different options regarding staying in touch – mobile voice plans seem never to work out as planned so utilize applications that allow voice internet connections (Viber, etc.) 3. Counsel your student to really get to know the countries they visit. This may mean limiting the number of countries visited but instead more immersion in the host country’s culture.”