Global Citizenship
Once you’ve earned a micro-credential, share it widely across various social media platforms (think adding it to your LinkedIn profile), with your contacts, and the greater community – thus enhancing your professional profile. You can also list it on your resume, refer to it in your cover letters, and use it as a talking point during interviews to introduce the skills you have developed.

In the first two weeks, while participating in introductory language and culture classes, students will complete daily online modules that deepen their understanding of what it means to be interculturally competent and civically engaged.
In these facilitated online lessons, students will explore the values, attitudes, and behaviors that support responsible global citizenship, such as creativity, cross-cultural understanding, and commitment to peace, human rights, and sustainable community development. Students will also explore professions associated with international community service. Then, students will apply their in-class learning to real-world projects for the remainder of the program. At the conclusions, student groups will present their project to the community, as well as learn how to summarize their experience for future employers, graduate schools and on social media.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Engage in service activities with a selected community partner in a mutually beneficial relationship based on a spirit of collaboration
- Reflect upon larger issues that affect their host communities, and their roles in supporting their host communities as they address these issues
- Integrate community engagement and academic learning, considering what knowledge and skills might be required to truly assist, as well as learn from others
- Communicate purposefully and respectfully
- Practice and employ problem-solving strategies
- Recognize and integrate multiple perspectives
- Regulate their own learning
Who is eligible
CIS Abroad students enrolled in the Global Service Learning program for credit.
Instruction method
Hybrid (combines a minimum of 140 hrs of on the job work with online coursework).
Time to completion
Minimum of 4 weeks.
Skills obtained
- Global Equity & Inclusion: Demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different local and global cultures. Practice openness, inclusiveness, and ability to interact respectfully with diverse groups.
- Cross Cultural Communication: Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization taking into account cultural differences.
- Career & Self Development: Proactively develop oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships within and without one’s organization. Develop plans and goals for one’s future career.
- Teamwork: Build and maintain collaborative relationships to work effectively toward common goals, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.
*Categories based on the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) key competencies.
Document achievement
The specific requirements that must be met in order to earn this micro-credential include:
- Successfully completing each section of the Global Citizenship Micro-Credential online curriculum in order during the allotted time. This includes recording and saving your reflection and goal-setting documents as instructed and actively engaging with and posting responses to the Challenges to Minerva online.
- Actively participating in the onsite language and culture program and receiving a positive evaluation from your onsite director.
- With the guidance of their on-site supervisors, implement a group signature service project that addresses a significant problem, issue, or question for the local host community.
- Conduct a midpoint and final project self-evaluation.
- Receive a satisfactory midpoint and final supervisor evaluation of the project.
- Present the report in person and onsite to either the host organization or another group deemed acceptable by the site director.
- Submit the report to the CIS Service Learning professor along with a follow up note as to how the report was received.
Upon completion, students will receive the Cross-Cultural Agility Micro-Credential certification along with the Cross-Cultural Agility Micro-Credential Badge to post on social media. Students will also be equipped to clearly and concisely explain their certification in any interview, highlighting skills acquired, be it an interview for graduate school or employment.
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). (2021). Career Readiness Competencies. Retrieved from: https://www.naceweb.org/career-readiness/competencies/career-readiness-defined/
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