Become an Alumni Ambassador!

CIS Abroad’s Alumni Ambassador program creates a community of passionate alumni who are eager to share their overseas experience, knowledge and insights with interested students. They promote the benefits of international education while inspiring others to pursue their own transformative journey abroad.
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Don't let your study abroad experience end once you return home!

Become a CIS Abroad Alumni Ambassador and stay connected to your study abroad experience by becoming a:

Global Outreach Leader

A CIS Abroad alum who is eager about sharing their study abroad experience and is motivated to expand study abroad opportunities on their home campus through a role with the CIS Abroad team.

Click to learn more and apply

International Advocate

A CIS Abroad alum who wants to continue sharing their study abroad story with prospective students, with little to no commitment!

Click to learn more and apply

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be an Alumni Ambassador even though I graduated?
Yes! We recommend the International Advocate tier as you are not required to be on-campus. You can submit your application here.
Do I have to join the Alumni Ambassador program if I only want to refer interested students?
No! If you wish to only refer students, you certainly can. You can sign up here to join our Referral Program.
Are there other Alumni Ambassadors from my school?

To see if there are ambassadors from your home university, we encourage you to take a look at our Alumni Ambassador directory to view our current list of ambassadors!

Can I get credit for participating in this program?

CIS Abroad is not able to issue credit for being an alumni ambassador but we recommend talking to your home institution to see if earning credit may be possible.

Hear From Former Ambassadors

Hi! My name is Lilyana, I studied abroad in Sorrento, Italy in the J-term of 2023. I became an alumni ambassador to further my academic career because I am an international business minor & hoping to start a career one day in an international field. Using my experience as an alumni ambassador could be great for future interviews. I also joined the ambassador program to be a resource to students considering studying abroad because I truly believe all students should get to experience other cultures.
Lily Campbell
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
As an Alumni Ambassador, I get to stay connected with my time abroad in Italy and encourage others to study abroad and get outside their comfort zones as I did. I am glad I studied abroad, and that I get to spread that joy and answer questions for potential students about their time abroad. Having someone who has gone through the program answer questions and make recommendations for students is truly helpful, and I know I looked at the answers people had online to help answer questions for myself about where and when to study abroad. I highly recommend being an Alumni Ambassador to continue being connected with your study abroad time, and please reach out to me if you have any questions on studying abroad in Italy!
Elizabeth Kohn
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill